Monthly Hindsight

April 2023

In April Liz and I visited Lukas in Hamburg! Eventhough the weather made for a rather wet visit, we had a few sunny hours which we used to walk through parts of hamburg, visited the HAW and the beautiful big, green park in front of the planetarium, about 10 minuts by foot from Lukas flat. We had an awesome time and Liz even got her next tattoo which turned out superb! All in all a nice easter weekend 🙂

~ Off to May! 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

March 2023

Writing the Monthly Hindsight post for March in April is impossible without at least looking at my calendar. And my calendar shows me that there were a few awesome moments in march but I wanted to keep these posts short so I will choose one.

In march an epic moment was the Elvis musical „The King, The Musical“ I watched together with my family and Liz at the Alte Oper in Frankfurt. That was an awesome musical timelapse through Elivs‘ life and greatest hits and in the end I even was able to shake the impersonator’s hand when he ran through the whole hall which was amazing! You could literally feel how thankful he was that he was able to do all of that! An awesome show! I think that was pretty much the most amazing thing in March.

~ See you around 🤙🏼