Monthly Hindsight

July 2023

We are back! After a little break from the Monthly Hindsight, as june was a month full of other blog posts, I am starting to write again :).

July’s favorite moment was probably the „Uni Reunion“ we had on the 1st of july and where some of our fellow students from university met each other to talk and drink a little bit. That was really fun and it was really nice to see everyone again and talk about what everyone’s doing right now and all that stuff.

Another minor but still very nice QoL improvement was that I finally got another pair of glasses from the company for working! I always had to bring my personal pair to work and not only once forgot them which is really draining for the eye and brain after a while.. So having another pair in the office is so convenient!

Other than that July had some more nice moments but I think I will leave it at that!

See you soon! ~🤙🏼