Monthly Hindsight

January 2024

January was (luckily) pretty chill and not much happened. Mostly smaller things. I finally bought some proper climbing shoes as I am totally into bouldering now! I just couldn’t be bothered to just lift some wheights up and down and needed something with more purpose than that and climbing gives me exactly that. Moving with my body in a way that makes me happy and also stronger. Every Sunday is boulder day now and together with Lars I visit the Boulderhaus Darmstadt every week.

Other than that I finally got a proper table plus a set of chairs for my living room and after unsucessfully trying to lacquer the table ( first time doing so) and having to laboriously sand down everything again, I now just gave it some nice wood oil treatment to protect the wood against water stains and such. At least I learned now how to properly use wood oil / lacquer.

I guess that’s it for this month. Very calm 🙂

~ See you in February 🤙🏼