Monthly Hindsight Uncategorized

May 2024

Like last year this month was our annual „Maiwanderung“ hiking event taking place in the Black Forest. Like in the year before, we stayed in mobile homes at Camping Schwarzwaldhorn in Simonswald. But as we were only 8 hikers this year, we only had to of the huts.

The day of arrival was pretty chill actually as we didn’t do much this day except for enjoying the nice weather for a bit. The first hike started next day and led Julius, Alina, Lazaro, Calvin and myself to the Hochburg bei Emmendingen. So while the others had to work a bit, we visited this castle ruin as part of a 6 kilometre hike and afterwards did some grocery shopping. All in all again a pretty chill day to the disliking of Julius who, of course, would certainly have liked a few more kilometers of hiking ;). One of the highlights of this year’s Maiwanderung was the appearance of an Aurora Boralis while we were sitting outside after dinner! A supercool and rare experience I managed to capture with my camera. (Image below)

The next day was our biggest and arguebly nicest hike through the Simonswald and over the „Platte“, a part of pretty flat terrain in an otherwise hilly/mountainous area. All the better that Liz was also able to come hiking with us, as she had been struggling with sickness the days before. On our way we walked past a cool waterfall and after a pretty steep ascent to the Platte, we took a nice break next to Gasthaus Plattenhof. Afterwards we started our descent again back through the beautiful forest to our hidden parking spot and drove home for a well-deserved dinner :).

Sunday was depature day again. All in all it was another successful trip and much fun! Can’t wait for next year again 😀

PS: Thanks Julius for taking over the roll of the photographer this year with your cool Ricoh GR III!

~ See you soon!🤙🏼