Monthly Hindsight Uncategorized

May 2024

Like last year this month was our annual „Maiwanderung“ hiking event taking place in the Black Forest. Like in the year before, we stayed in mobile homes at Camping Schwarzwaldhorn in Simonswald. But as we were only 8 hikers this year, we only had to of the huts.

The day of arrival was pretty chill actually as we didn’t do much this day except for enjoying the nice weather for a bit. The first hike started next day and led Julius, Alina, Lazaro, Calvin and myself to the Hochburg bei Emmendingen. So while the others had to work a bit, we visited this castle ruin as part of a 6 kilometre hike and afterwards did some grocery shopping. All in all again a pretty chill day to the disliking of Julius who, of course, would certainly have liked a few more kilometers of hiking ;). One of the highlights of this year’s Maiwanderung was the appearance of an Aurora Boralis while we were sitting outside after dinner! A supercool and rare experience I managed to capture with my camera. (Image below)

The next day was our biggest and arguebly nicest hike through the Simonswald and over the „Platte“, a part of pretty flat terrain in an otherwise hilly/mountainous area. All the better that Liz was also able to come hiking with us, as she had been struggling with sickness the days before. On our way we walked past a cool waterfall and after a pretty steep ascent to the Platte, we took a nice break next to Gasthaus Plattenhof. Afterwards we started our descent again back through the beautiful forest to our hidden parking spot and drove home for a well-deserved dinner :).

Sunday was depature day again. All in all it was another successful trip and much fun! Can’t wait for next year again 😀

PS: Thanks Julius for taking over the roll of the photographer this year with your cool Ricoh GR III!

~ See you soon!🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

April 2024

This month I want to write about the birthday party of my dad who turned 60. While it was a fun party overall, the highlight for me was me singing „Take Me To Church“ in front of the guests at 12AM when we celebrated the birthday of my father. That was basically a first small brithday present but the actual present is a welding workshop at the Kliemannsland in August we’ll both attend.

But it also was a personal challenge for me again to sing in front of a live audience and by the positive feedback from everyone, I guess it wasn’t bad 😀 ( However I physically can’t watch the video of myself singing it… I just cringe to hard… but whatever! Here, have a picture of my singing..

~ See you soon! 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

March 2024

This month an awesome happening I want to remember was Dan’s birthday. We met at a rock bar in Frankfurt with a bunch of his friends. And the cool thing about that was, that most of the people invited were Animation and Games graduates/students which was super nice because it felt like a reunion! I had a really great time there!

Another thing this month was the watching Dune 2 in IMAX Cinema in Leonberg. Watching movies in the biggest IMAX in the world is always quite the experience but watching Dune 2 on it with it’s stunning visuals and soundscape was again really impressive! I think I have to watch that movie again…

~ see you soon! 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

February 2024

This month wasn’t particularly interesting I have to say. No bigger happenings apart from my regular singing lessons which are always good and some bouldering sessions. One thing that is worth noting (and which is probably very boring for anyone else) was, that Lars and I found a new location during a geocaching trip along Langen. A bridge that I often drove through underneath during my drives home from Frankfurt. And more than once I thought: „How does one get on that bridge?“. Now I finally know the answer which is kind of cool! Finding new locations in my hometown is always refreshing! (Eventhough not completely new as I was told that I already was on that bridge when I was a little kid. However I don’t remember that, sooo..)

Have a picture as proof:

~ see you soon! 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

January 2024

January was (luckily) pretty chill and not much happened. Mostly smaller things. I finally bought some proper climbing shoes as I am totally into bouldering now! I just couldn’t be bothered to just lift some wheights up and down and needed something with more purpose than that and climbing gives me exactly that. Moving with my body in a way that makes me happy and also stronger. Every Sunday is boulder day now and together with Lars I visit the Boulderhaus Darmstadt every week.

Other than that I finally got a proper table plus a set of chairs for my living room and after unsucessfully trying to lacquer the table ( first time doing so) and having to laboriously sand down everything again, I now just gave it some nice wood oil treatment to protect the wood against water stains and such. At least I learned now how to properly use wood oil / lacquer.

I guess that’s it for this month. Very calm 🙂

~ See you in February 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

December 2023

This month the most remarkable thing I want to mention is my first time singing on a stage in front of people! I went to the „Screamfactory Coffe House“ at the SCHANZ in Mühlheim which is basically a stage for musicians to practice standing in front of an audience. I performed two songs: a cover of Take Me to Church by Hozier and of I’ve Been Bored by Superheaven. All in all it was a success and I am super happy that I did it and I see it as a great accomplishment.Of course I know of things I could’ve done better, but for now, I mainly want to celebrate that I actually did it 🙂

~ See you in 2024 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

November 2023

This month I did a little housewarming party with some friends from uni and work which was nice seeing many people from uni again 🙂 Moments like that get rare so I really appreciate them.

Other than that we had an awesome team dinner in office the other day where we ordered some nice food to the office and after that played Left 4 Dead 2 together which was a bunch of fun! Would love to do that again!

~ See you soon 🙂 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

October 2023

Liz and I flew to Korfu, Greece for a week of relaxation and chilling at the beach! As it wasn’t high season there wasn’t as much people at the beach and in the hotel which was very nice. Sadly as I was sick 1 week before we weren’t able to scuba dive which was Liz* birthday present for me… but we’ll make up for that 🙂

This month I also moved apartments. I moved to the 3rd floor inside the same building into a bigger flat and one with a much nicer view! Tomorrow will be the very first day of work in my new study room and I am kind of excited for this!

~ Until then, see you soon! 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

September 2023

This month the 30th anniversary of Scream Factory happened! Scream Factory is the singing school I am currently attending to improve my singing skills and this celebration was really awesome as many different people sang and presented their musical skills! It’s a real family of musicians and I am glad that I found my way to my teacher George and this school!

The second moment I want to mention was a little hiking day with the Heidelberger friends! It was really nice talking to everyone again after quite some time and we had a beautiful day 🙂

~ See you soon! 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

August 2023

This month’s highlights were multiple ones. The first happening was the Tag und Nacht Sommerfest, a little 2 day long music fest in Darmstadt at my old workplace where I did an internship back in 2019. It’s always nice to meet my old co-workers / bosses and listen to local bands!

The next cool thing was a hike at the Felsenmeer! While it was nice to visit the place again after some years, it was especially cool, that soo many of my old school friends had time for it! We were 12 people in the end which was really fun!

That’s it again. There was more cool stuff that happened but as always, I want to keep those recaps short 🙂

~ See you soon! 🤙🏼