Blog post

17.07.2021 – The Wooden Fortress

Today we said goodbye to Häckebergasjön and drove further up north-west. We passed Helsingborg and drove until we stopped in Jonstorp to go shopping. After that we ate a delicious pizza at Pizzeria Mona Lisa. We even could speak in german to one of the workers because he has lived in Germany for 10 years before moving to Sweden (he told us it’s less stressful here than in Germany).
After finishing our pizzas we drove further up in search for a place to stay until we arrived at Himmelstorp. There we stopped and hiked to Nimis, a really interesting place! It can be best described as a wooden fortress built only out of wooden planks and sticks – and one can climb through it. It felt like a „Wilde Kerle“ movie!
After climbing through the wooden construction we had a beautiful view over the sea. After inspecting another small mysterious ruin a few meters next to Nimis, we hiked back to the camper. It started to get dark by now so we really needed a place to sleep. And this place turned out to be a meadow next to Ransvik Havsveranda, a cute little restaurant located directly next to the sea. As we didn’t shower since leaving Hamburg (the swimming sessions in the lake only count as half-showered), we hoped to find at least running water in a public toilet, but we were unlucky.. But the beautiful evening at the seaside and our nice sleeping place under the stars made up for it!

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