Blog post

25.07.2021 – Visiting the Krögers

After leaving the backyard and putting the first hint of the treasure hunt into the family’s mailbox, we left the small town in north germany and hit the road. Our destination this day was Hümme, a small town about 30 minutes away from Kassel. There we visited our fellow student and friend Marius. We originally planned to just make a stop there and drive home the same evening, but in the end we had such a good time that we stayed there overnight. After we arrived at Marius‘ home we went outside for an archery session and Marius showed us how to shoot with a bow. That was pretty fun and after shooting some more arrows, we ate dinner. We had asian food for dinner with Marius‘ own attempt at a nice peanut sauce which he had once eaten at an asian restaurant and swears on it. Which is why he tried to recreate it at home and it actually was pretty delicious!

After dinner followed a nice long session of the german version of „Cards Against Humanity“ called „BAM!“, a game where dark humor is key. The goal is to create a sentence out of random playing cards with words on it that is as dark and humorous as possible so the judge chooses your version of the sentence and thereby gives you a point. We played until it was already late at night and after that we fell into bed tired.

Not many pictures this time, because we were too busy.

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