Blog post

20.07.2021 – A Day in Gothenburg

Today we spent the whole day in Gothenburg. We used the bus to get from our camping site to Gothenburg central station. From there we walked directly to one of my favorite stores: „Shock“. They have clothing and merchandise for metal, rock, grunge and goth fans and there is always awesome music playing! We looked through everything and Lukas and I each bought a cool shirt. After that we continued our shopping and sightseeing tour a bit more and of course found another geocache. We then ended up in the Åhléns City shopping mall where we ate lunch at a very delicious burger restaurant called „DINÉ Burger“.
Then we visited a few more stores like the vintage store „Beyond Retro“ which always had cool clothing and after that took a break in the nearby park.
After snoozing in the sun for a while we walked through the park and ended up at a café where we ate some cake and drank lemonade. We sat around in the nearby rose garden for a bit longer before going back to the camping place. As we were still pretty full from the burgers and the cake, dinner turned out rather small with some slices of bread. And while eating we watched the movie „We’re the Millers“ to let the day come to an end.

(Not so many pictures this time, because we were too busy discovering the city)

Fun fact: On the 3rd picture behind the two white cars there is a side street disappearing between the buildings. Two years ago I took a cool picture of my brother right over there!

Blog post

19.07.2021 – Skimboarding Session at the Beach

The day started with a breakfast in the sun and the nice seaside view! After that we went to the beach to go swimming and try skimboarding. Skimboarding is basically a variation of surfing but, depending on which board you’re using, happens in more shallow water and not as far out in the sea as with normal surfboards. We used my old wooden skimboard which is used on very shallow water and puddles without waves and also happens to be quite difficult to learn on for beginners. When we went to the beach it was low tide so, besides the strong wind, pretty good conditions for skimboarding. It took us a lot of tries but it was fun!
After a short swim we went back to the camper and started our showering mission. As we weren’t paying for a pitch at the sailing club, we officially weren’t allowed to use the showers. We did it anyways. And after 5 days of not really showering, the warm water felt like heaven!
We then left Haverdal and drove to our next stay: Gothenburg. We booked 2 nights at Askimsstrand camping and after arriving there we cooked vegan hamburgers for tonight’s dinner and they turned out pretty delicious!

Blog post

18.07.2021 – By the Seaside

As we are on our mission to reach Gothenburg, we drove further up north along the coast. For our next stay we found a nice little spot right next to the ocean and only a few hundred meters away from a small sailing club (that we weren’t allowed to stay there only occurred to us the next morning). First wanted to stay directly next to the sailing club on dedicated pitches so we could use the showers and bathrooms, but unfortunately were all occupied. Because of that we drove to the parking lot a few meters up the street.
After we parked and enjoyed the view for the short while, we began to search for a nearby geocache. We found it relatively quickly in the bushes behind the sailing club and after that walked further up a small path that led us to a labyrinth. We all expected to find a mansized one out of hedges or so, but it actually was just a small pattern of a labyrinth made out of small stones on the ground. It still looked interesting though. After a small climbing session on the nearby rocks we went back to the camper. For dinner wie cooked Spaghetti again but this time made our own sauce with fresh vegetables. After watching a beautiful sunset we went to bed and listened to „Die Drei ???“ before sleeping.

Blog post

17.07.2021 – The Wooden Fortress

Today we said goodbye to Häckebergasjön and drove further up north-west. We passed Helsingborg and drove until we stopped in Jonstorp to go shopping. After that we ate a delicious pizza at Pizzeria Mona Lisa. We even could speak in german to one of the workers because he has lived in Germany for 10 years before moving to Sweden (he told us it’s less stressful here than in Germany).
After finishing our pizzas we drove further up in search for a place to stay until we arrived at Himmelstorp. There we stopped and hiked to Nimis, a really interesting place! It can be best described as a wooden fortress built only out of wooden planks and sticks – and one can climb through it. It felt like a „Wilde Kerle“ movie!
After climbing through the wooden construction we had a beautiful view over the sea. After inspecting another small mysterious ruin a few meters next to Nimis, we hiked back to the camper. It started to get dark by now so we really needed a place to sleep. And this place turned out to be a meadow next to Ransvik Havsveranda, a cute little restaurant located directly next to the sea. As we didn’t shower since leaving Hamburg (the swimming sessions in the lake only count as half-showered), we hoped to find at least running water in a public toilet, but we were unlucky.. But the beautiful evening at the seaside and our nice sleeping place under the stars made up for it!

Blog post

16.07.2021 – How to shoot a trashy movie

After breakfast and dishwashing, Lazaro and I went for a walk over to Häckeberga slott, the castle on the other side of the lake. While walking through the forest we collected sounds with Lukas‘ field recorder because I planned to use them later on in Ableton to create a soundtrack. Besides that Lazaro was hoping to bum some WiFi off the castle but that didn’t work out.
On our way back we took a little detour through the forest in search for a geocache that was located nearby and, as we’re geocaching pros, found it pretty fast!
After lunch we got the idea to randomly shoot a trashy movie and for that wrote down different words on little letters. Everyone drew a letter at random and out of the chosen words we had to create a story. I am unsure if the movie, based on the words „shizophrenic“, „Jötunn“ and „murder“, will ever be released publicly – we’ll see about that…
While shooting it began to rain so we had to postpone it. While sitting in the camper we indulged us a sip of whiskey or vodka and got the idea of using alcoholic liquors to our advantage when acting in front of the camera. Unfortunately it rained for quite some time and by the time it finished, we were well-oiled… skål!
From now on my memories are somewhat blurry but I rember an epic film shooting and after that we took another nice bath in the lake after sunset. After eating pasta for dinner we collapsed into bed.

Blog post

15.07.2021- Visiting Kopenhagen & Nightswimming in Sweden

We left Fredericia and soon crossed the first of the two bridges, the Storebælt Bridge, on our way to Sweden. Before crossing the Øresund Bridge we stopped in Kopenhagen. There we ate lunch and wandered around a bit and even found a geocache which of course made Lazaro’s heart pound!
Soon after that we drove towards Malmø and in search for a nice place to sleep drove about 40 kilometers eastwards. The search turned out to be harder than expected and it took us a while to find a place. It already got dark when we found Häckebergasjön, a beautiful lake with some islands im the middle and even a castle next to it! Another camper was already standing here but we decided to park next to them. The owners, a belgian couple, sat next to the lake around a nice camp fire and played Ukulele. After setting up the awning we chose to get rid of today’s sweat at least a bit by going night swimming. Of course only after we helped our two neighbors find firewood for the campfire. After that we cooked our dinner: Spaghetti with pesto! The Belgians already went to sleep as they’d planned a hike for the next day. And we followed them shortly after as it was an exhausting day.

Blog post

14.07.2021 – On Our Way to Sweden

After the first two pretty long rides (Dieburg -> Amsterdam & Amsterdam -> Hamburg) today’s ride from Hamburg to Denmark only took half as long with 3 hours of driving. And also this was the first day with not a single drop of rain hitting the camper – amazing! We chose to stay in Denmark for one night before crossing the swedish border and luckily found a nice camping spot at Fredericia Lystbådehavn in, who would’ve guessed: Fredericia. Besides a beautiful seaside view next to the harbour, this spot also offers WiFi, sanitary facilities and electricity and with around 28€ a night is priced okay. Payment is made via a payment machine which also dispenses a card which is used for, amongst other things, showering. That comes in handy after taking a refreshing swim in the Baltic Sea. And because we liked the place so so much, we chose to pay twice the price! On purpose, of course, and not because we made some bumbling mistakes…

Blog post

13.07.2021 – From Amsterdam To Hamburg

Today started with a less sugar-shocky breakfast. We packed our stuff and left Amsterdam to drive to our next stay: The Hort Mansion in Hamburg! We were welcomed with a nice dinner and a cold beer and after that got a personal tour over the property. An old german car called „Ente“ decorated the back of the garden and the broken down tree house gave the space a lost place vibe. After a failed drone flying attempt because of local restricted areas, we took a small walk down the road.

And when it gets darker and the twilight sets in, things change… and when you look closely the people around you change, too…

Blog post

12.07.2021 – Amsterdam Discovery Tour

The day started with a sugar shocky breakfast! We then walked to a surf shop called „The Old Man Boardsports“ where I bought some sex wax (with cooling effect) for my skimboard. You wax your board to get a grip when stepping on it. After that we went hunting for some nice vintage and second-hand stores and found „Mood Indigo“ that had some nice denim jackets and all sorts of clothing! After that we went to the store on the other side of the street called „Time Machine“ and from there walked to „Episode“ located a few blocks away. Again another typical second-hand store so nothing too special. Same thing with the „Kiloshop Waterlooplein“. But all in all nice stores.

After a day walking through amsterdam we walked back home and ate dinner.

Blog post

11.07.2021 – Epic Adventure in the Making!

After a 6h long trip to amsterdam, we arrived at Camping Zeeburg where we parked the camper. From there we drove to le brudi with an uber. We went grocery shopping and ate some nice wraps for dinner! Then followed a nice netflix session.. This was the first day of the roadtrip with Lazaro and Lukas, it’s gonna be a fun ride!

The staircase leading up to my brother’s apartment is dangerous! And epic!