Monthly Hindsight

July 2023

We are back! After a little break from the Monthly Hindsight, as june was a month full of other blog posts, I am starting to write again :).

July’s favorite moment was probably the „Uni Reunion“ we had on the 1st of july and where some of our fellow students from university met each other to talk and drink a little bit. That was really fun and it was really nice to see everyone again and talk about what everyone’s doing right now and all that stuff.

Another minor but still very nice QoL improvement was that I finally got another pair of glasses from the company for working! I always had to bring my personal pair to work and not only once forgot them which is really draining for the eye and brain after a while.. So having another pair in the office is so convenient!

Other than that July had some more nice moments but I think I will leave it at that!

See you soon! ~🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

May 2023

This month it’s easy to choose. From the 18th till the 21st of May my friends from uni and us (Liz and me) went hiking in the southern parts of the black forest! As we learned from our last hiking adventure we now decided to take it a little bit more easy and rented 3 tiny house-like huts at Camping Schwarzwaldhorn. That was a much more pleasant experience as we were able to sleep more than three hours each night and also sleep in a proper bed.

The first day of hiking we hiked as one big group and the day after we split into 3 groups with the first being the „hardcore hikers“, the second the „yesterday was too much so let’s only walk half as far today“ and the third group which was the „chill at the camping site“ group.

The second group, which was mine, went geocaching which was quite fun but in the end also pretty intense.

All in all again a nice hiking adventure! I am already excited for the next one 🙂

~ See you soon 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

April 2023

In April Liz and I visited Lukas in Hamburg! Eventhough the weather made for a rather wet visit, we had a few sunny hours which we used to walk through parts of hamburg, visited the HAW and the beautiful big, green park in front of the planetarium, about 10 minuts by foot from Lukas flat. We had an awesome time and Liz even got her next tattoo which turned out superb! All in all a nice easter weekend 🙂

~ Off to May! 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

March 2023

Writing the Monthly Hindsight post for March in April is impossible without at least looking at my calendar. And my calendar shows me that there were a few awesome moments in march but I wanted to keep these posts short so I will choose one.

In march an epic moment was the Elvis musical „The King, The Musical“ I watched together with my family and Liz at the Alte Oper in Frankfurt. That was an awesome musical timelapse through Elivs‘ life and greatest hits and in the end I even was able to shake the impersonator’s hand when he ran through the whole hall which was amazing! You could literally feel how thankful he was that he was able to do all of that! An awesome show! I think that was pretty much the most amazing thing in March.

~ See you around 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

February 2023

February was actually super calm and not much happened. I think the most remarkable stuff that has happened was that my friend Lars slowly gets ready for moving into his new flat that is 2 levels above me! That’s neat! But other than that not much has happened that is worth noting… Oh, 1st of February was my one year anniversary at CIG. Time goes by fast ey.

See you soon! ~🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

January 2023

(the last Monthly Hindsights got a bit to long for what they’re supposed to be. So I will try to keep it even shorter!)

January was the time for some skiing in Obergurgl, Austria together with friends. This is something we always did annually back when we were in school. It was a super fun week enjoying the snow, good food and FunRun 3 (our go-to game when chilling in the hotel)! Eventhough some days the weather threw a wrench in the works, we had a lot of fun :).

See you next time ~🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

December 2022

For this month I want to mention the 31st of December. New Year’s Eve was pretty chill this year. Normally I celebrate with my old friends from school but this year was different as Liz and I visited Lazaro in his flat in Frankfurt. Together with Marius we made some burgers and tuna baguettes (something that’s always a thing when Marius around at a party 😉 ). After that we played some fun games on Liz‘ Nintendo Switch that we connected to Lazl’s beamer.

It was definitely a cozy night and the view from the kitchen window over Frankfurt was pretty cool with all the fireworks exploding everywhere.

I guess that’s it for this year. See you in 2023 🙂 .


Monthly Hindsight

November 2022

For November the moment I wanted to remember the most would be the birthday party Alina, Juli and myself planned and that happened on 19th of November. These are always the nice occasions everyone gets to see the friends from university again and have some fun together! Before the party we had a nice dinner together at Julius place and after that the first peeps arrived. We drank, laughed and turned the music up for a dance party in the kitchen (why is it always the kitchen where most of the people chill at parties?!). With the breakfast at our usual coffee place a nice weekend ended!

~ Until next time!🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

October 2022

This October I guess there are probably two things I want to mention. The first would be the nice, short trip to Oberstdorf, Bavaria with Lars and Lazaro! (Next time with Liz 🙂 ) For 5 days we went to the very south of Germany to go hiking and had lots of fun! While here in the middle of Germany, autumn hasn’t quite kicked in yet, it was already very much happening down there! We took amazing photos and drone shots (still have to make a short movie with them ). Even two night hikes happened – eventhough one of these wasn’t really planned, they were both an adventure! Remember to always bring your head lamps tho! Indoor activities on the rainy days were a fun time at Wonnemar with is a small „adventure swimming pool“ 20 minutes from Oberstdorf and a small billiard hall in Sonthofen where we went the same evening. (We took the train from Oberstdorf to Sonthofen and it was kind of weird to sit in a diesel-powered train again..). I think all in all we had lot’s of fun :D.

The second cool thing that started this October were my singing lessons! I am taking them at Scream Factory in Frankfurt and will be taking them for I think at least half a year, probably longer. George, my singing mentor is a really nice guy with lots of experience and I think it will be a supercool adventure! Who knows what comes out of it.

See you next time ~🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

September 2022

This monthly hindsight is about Liz‘ and my vacation in Alicante, Spain. Eventhough it also partly happened during the first days of October, I chose it as this monthly hindsight because it was mega nice! Eventhough we only stayed 8 days in Gran Alacant, a smaller city located next to Alicante, Spain, we had a relaxing time and a last opportunity to end the summer of 2022. And as these monthly hindsights are about „first times“, this also was our first time going on vacation abroad in another country :). It was also very nice to go on vacation without many people beccause we could just chill and there was noone excited to walk around cities and stuff all day long :D.

Alrighty, see you on the next one!

~ 🤙🏼