Monthly Hindsight

August 2022

The most outstanding event of this month was definitely the first week of working in the new office at Cloud Imperium Games! After months of homeoffice my colleagues and I were finally able to work next to each other in the new built office located in the ONE tower in Frankfurt. Besides the nice view over Frankfurt the whole office is beautifully designed, very spacious and I really like working there. Now, if only Deutsche Bahn would manage to arrive on time, everything would be even more awesome ;).

I guess that’s it. That was definitely something I looked forward to for quite a while!

~ 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

July 2022

One event I want to mention in this first Monthly Hindsight post is me moving away from my parent’s house again and into a new flat! After many hours of packing stuff and disassembling furniture and assembling it again in my new flat with the help of family and friends, I was finally done after the first week of July. Now I am slowly getting used to living alone again and now I can pay my own electricity and water bills – yey. All in all I am happy. As nice as it was not doing laundry and stuff, living alone gives me a piece of mind as I can do stuff in my speed.

Other than that different concerts, musicals and events happened which I won’t mention now because I want to keep these posts short and simple :). But maybe I will add some photos to some of them.

~ 🤙🏼

Monthly Hindsight

Coming soon..