Blog post

24.07.2021 – Artsafari at the Kliemannsland

Again the alarm rang at around 8:30 AM so we had enough time to drive to Germany and to get a corona test in case we would need one. Luckily we did not. We got tickets for the „Artsafari“ at the Kliemannsland in Rüspl a few days ago and so we drove down to the small town between Hamburg and Bremen. We arrived 1 hour early and, as we hadn’t eaten anything this day, used the time to get some food qnd drinks at the Netto market in Zeven. After that it was finally time! We drove back and after a short briefing we entered the Kliemannsland with our camper. For the Artsafari the Kliemannsland partnered with Viva Con Aqua to create artworks with by different artists that dealt with current topics like for example environmental issues, the black lives matter movement or eco-friendly energies. And all these artworks were spread over the Kliemannsland and while driving through it, we could listen to voice recordings by the respective artists talking about their work. The Kliemannsland really was like it is shown on YouTube. Everywhere are crazy constructions made out of the most diverse stuff that most people probably would call scrap. But here it is gold for DIY’ers, mechanics, nerds, welders and suchlike! It was really awesome to see all the stuff from the YouTube videos in real life and there definitely is much potential for artistic breeding ground. Before leaving the place we had a small chat with one of the dudes living there handing us a photograph of us that was taken at a „Foto-Ampel“ during the safari. And even got the chance to win a Kliemannsland T-Shirt by playing a game. But in the end none of us made it. Nevertheless it was an amazing experience to visit this legendary place!

After leaving the Kliemannsland, we searched for a place to stay over night and found an advertisement on the app „Park4Night“ where a family provided their private backyard as a camping pitch for campers like us. As we assumed that all nearby camping spots around Rüspl would be occupied, we drove to the advertised address. Here a friendly neighbor told us that the family was on vacation over the weekend and that it would be fine to just drive into their backyard. So we did that and it felt weird to park in a private backyard without  even knowing the people who normally live there.. So we got us their mobile number and Lazaro called them. They seemed really nice and told us everything we needed to know. During the evening we began to work out a small treasure hunt for the two kids of the family. We read that they were the ones receiving the donations from the people camping here and as Animation and Game students we of course had to turn the donation into a small game for them! We worked out some small puzzles for them and hid different scraps of paper everywhere on the property with hints to the treasure. As it began to rain outside we were forced to cook inside the camper again and after eating dinner, went to sleep while of course listening to another episode of „Die Drei ???“. We would finish the treasure hunt the next day.