Blog post

23.07.2021 – Saying Farewell to the Sea

The alarm rang at 8:00 AM and pretty sleepy we started to pack our things together to start our 5h trip back to Fredericia, Denmark. And as we came near the border control after about 2½h we began to think about how the covid situation in Denmark is right now and if we needed a test. We should’ve done that earlier. This question was answered for us at the danish border by a border patrol who checked our IDs and wanted to see negative covid tests – which we did not have… But we were incredibly lucky. He was a nice dude who actually let us pass after seeing Lukas‘ and Lazaro’s old Covid tests from Hamburg about 1 Week ago. Lucky us!
We arrived at our already known camping pitch in Fredericia at about 15:00 PM. Perfect timing when considering that one or two hours later the pitch was almost completely occupied. We then went to the beach and Lukas and I went for one last swim in the Baltic Sea. After that we went showering – we really started to appreciate that during our trip. Then we cooked dinner and while eating the moon rose above the horizon and was unbelievably big and red for the first minutes! It looked amazing and reminded me of some synthwave-style paintings. After taking some photos we got ready for bed as we had another long trip ahead of us the next day.

Blog post

14.07.2021 – On Our Way to Sweden

After the first two pretty long rides (Dieburg -> Amsterdam & Amsterdam -> Hamburg) today’s ride from Hamburg to Denmark only took half as long with 3 hours of driving. And also this was the first day with not a single drop of rain hitting the camper – amazing! We chose to stay in Denmark for one night before crossing the swedish border and luckily found a nice camping spot at Fredericia Lystbådehavn in, who would’ve guessed: Fredericia. Besides a beautiful seaside view next to the harbour, this spot also offers WiFi, sanitary facilities and electricity and with around 28€ a night is priced okay. Payment is made via a payment machine which also dispenses a card which is used for, amongst other things, showering. That comes in handy after taking a refreshing swim in the Baltic Sea. And because we liked the place so so much, we chose to pay twice the price! On purpose, of course, and not because we made some bumbling mistakes…