Blog post

16.07.2021 – How to shoot a trashy movie

After breakfast and dishwashing, Lazaro and I went for a walk over to Häckeberga slott, the castle on the other side of the lake. While walking through the forest we collected sounds with Lukas‘ field recorder because I planned to use them later on in Ableton to create a soundtrack. Besides that Lazaro was hoping to bum some WiFi off the castle but that didn’t work out.
On our way back we took a little detour through the forest in search for a geocache that was located nearby and, as we’re geocaching pros, found it pretty fast!
After lunch we got the idea to randomly shoot a trashy movie and for that wrote down different words on little letters. Everyone drew a letter at random and out of the chosen words we had to create a story. I am unsure if the movie, based on the words „shizophrenic“, „Jötunn“ and „murder“, will ever be released publicly – we’ll see about that…
While shooting it began to rain so we had to postpone it. While sitting in the camper we indulged us a sip of whiskey or vodka and got the idea of using alcoholic liquors to our advantage when acting in front of the camera. Unfortunately it rained for quite some time and by the time it finished, we were well-oiled… skål!
From now on my memories are somewhat blurry but I rember an epic film shooting and after that we took another nice bath in the lake after sunset. After eating pasta for dinner we collapsed into bed.