Blog post

22.07.2021 – The Last Day in Sweden

Today was a calm one and not that much happened. After breakfast we went for a small walk around the tongue of land where we stayed and while doing so, we tracked our walk on OpenStreetMap to add new trails to it so other people can find the way, too.
After our small expedition we went swimming in the lake with Lazaro’s inflatable mattresses and sunbathed way out in the water.
After going back on land and sitting around for a while just doing nothing, we collected some firewood and made a small campfire where we ate dinner. And as we had to get up early to get to the camping pitch in Danmark on time, we went to bed after sitting around the fire for a bit longer. Of course „Die Drei ???“ was playing again while we slowly fell asleep.

Blog post

21.07.2021 – Another Night by the Seaside

Today we needed to get up earlier than usual as we had to leave the camping pitch by 11:00 AM and needed to pack our things together before that. After leaving we drove back down towards Malmö because we wanted to drive back to Denmark on Friday. But for the next two nights we wanted to camp at a lake again so we drove to Bolmen, a big lake located east of Halmstad. Finding a place to stay was quite challenging once again. We drove down along the western side of the lake in search for a place always using the offline maps of OsmAnd. When we found the first fitting spot, we met 6 or 7 german travelers our age and they told us that they travel through sweden just by bike! But we left again as there were way too many mosquitos and horseflies!
After a few more unsuccessful attempts we finally found a nice spot on the southern side of the lake where we parked the camper. Soon after that we ate vegan köttbullar with Uncle Ben’s rice for dinner, which was pretty good actually. After that we played some games and drank some whiskey. The fun evening ended again with some „Die Drei ???“ for sleep.

Blog post

16.07.2021 – How to shoot a trashy movie

After breakfast and dishwashing, Lazaro and I went for a walk over to Häckeberga slott, the castle on the other side of the lake. While walking through the forest we collected sounds with Lukas‘ field recorder because I planned to use them later on in Ableton to create a soundtrack. Besides that Lazaro was hoping to bum some WiFi off the castle but that didn’t work out.
On our way back we took a little detour through the forest in search for a geocache that was located nearby and, as we’re geocaching pros, found it pretty fast!
After lunch we got the idea to randomly shoot a trashy movie and for that wrote down different words on little letters. Everyone drew a letter at random and out of the chosen words we had to create a story. I am unsure if the movie, based on the words „shizophrenic“, „Jötunn“ and „murder“, will ever be released publicly – we’ll see about that…
While shooting it began to rain so we had to postpone it. While sitting in the camper we indulged us a sip of whiskey or vodka and got the idea of using alcoholic liquors to our advantage when acting in front of the camera. Unfortunately it rained for quite some time and by the time it finished, we were well-oiled… skål!
From now on my memories are somewhat blurry but I rember an epic film shooting and after that we took another nice bath in the lake after sunset. After eating pasta for dinner we collapsed into bed.

Blog post

15.07.2021- Visiting Kopenhagen & Nightswimming in Sweden

We left Fredericia and soon crossed the first of the two bridges, the Storebælt Bridge, on our way to Sweden. Before crossing the Øresund Bridge we stopped in Kopenhagen. There we ate lunch and wandered around a bit and even found a geocache which of course made Lazaro’s heart pound!
Soon after that we drove towards Malmø and in search for a nice place to sleep drove about 40 kilometers eastwards. The search turned out to be harder than expected and it took us a while to find a place. It already got dark when we found Häckebergasjön, a beautiful lake with some islands im the middle and even a castle next to it! Another camper was already standing here but we decided to park next to them. The owners, a belgian couple, sat next to the lake around a nice camp fire and played Ukulele. After setting up the awning we chose to get rid of today’s sweat at least a bit by going night swimming. Of course only after we helped our two neighbors find firewood for the campfire. After that we cooked our dinner: Spaghetti with pesto! The Belgians already went to sleep as they’d planned a hike for the next day. And we followed them shortly after as it was an exhausting day.