Blog post

18.06.23 – Roadtrip 2.0!

Today marked the start of our Roadtrip 2.0! Again with Lukas, Lazaro and myself, the usual suspects. The first stop was a parking lot in Luxembourg, directly after crossing the border.
Here we stopped and took a little walk around a nature reserve located between Wintringen und Remerschen. Due to the considerable amount of mosquitos we always had to keep a steady pace to not get stung. That made us extra hungry so after getting back to the camper we cooked some nice Ravioli as dinner. Always accompanied by some nice music.
After eating up and cleaning the dishes, we took another little walk around which was abruptly ended by rain and thunder which made us run back to the camper just in time to not get completely soaked. We then build our sleeping spots and then tried to sleep. However it was hot and very humid which made it pretty hard. But well, a hour here and there was possible.