Blog post

25.06.23 – The Last Night Together

Today we drove towards the german border again and looked for our last spot to sleep that night. We found a parking lot 30 mintues from Arnhem sourrounded by fields and water. We set up the chairs and table and sat around in the grass for a while and listened to Walter Moers „Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher“ again. But this time as an audiobook. We just hung around enjoying the nature and that we had nothing planned.After a while we cooked ourselves some dinner, good old pasta with ratatouille sauce. Apart from some cars coming and going and some bikes driving at the nearby street, a really calm place. After finishing dinner we used the golden hour to take some photos of us with our new clothes and I flew around with the drone a bit to get some aerial shots of the surroundings. After the sun set, we packed our stuff together and moved into the camper as mosquitos and other blood drinkers came out of their holes. Unfortunately it were a good 30 degrees outside which made sitting in the van very unconfortable so we McGyver’d us a mosquito shield in front of the camper door so at least some fresh air could get in. We listened to more of the audiobook and slowly fell asleep, accompanied by the pretty loud ribbiting of the frogs at the nearby pond. It was kind of annoying and beautiful at the same time. But after a while you just fall asleep, so all good. Eventhoug waking up a few times, I at least, feel relatively refreshed now. Today is the day where we will drive to Hannover where Lukas will hop on an ICE to Hamburg and Lazaro and I will drive to Hümme to sleep one night at Marius‘ place (like on the last roadtrip). Mainly because driving 8 hours home on one day is too much.

This was our second roadtrip through France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. It was a cool adventure again and the next one will come :).