Blog post

19.07.2021 – Skimboarding Session at the Beach

The day started with a breakfast in the sun and the nice seaside view! After that we went to the beach to go swimming and try skimboarding. Skimboarding is basically a variation of surfing but, depending on which board you’re using, happens in more shallow water and not as far out in the sea as with normal surfboards. We used my old wooden skimboard which is used on very shallow water and puddles without waves and also happens to be quite difficult to learn on for beginners. When we went to the beach it was low tide so, besides the strong wind, pretty good conditions for skimboarding. It took us a lot of tries but it was fun!
After a short swim we went back to the camper and started our showering mission. As we weren’t paying for a pitch at the sailing club, we officially weren’t allowed to use the showers. We did it anyways. And after 5 days of not really showering, the warm water felt like heaven!
We then left Haverdal and drove to our next stay: Gothenburg. We booked 2 nights at Askimsstrand camping and after arriving there we cooked vegan hamburgers for tonight’s dinner and they turned out pretty delicious!